Dear Students, Although it seems that the COVID-19 situation in NYS is improving, all students should remember to take measures to protect themselves and others from spreading the virus. - Know the "Stay at Home" rules and important resources for the state that you live in - For NY: - For NJ:
- Practice social distancing: avoid crowded areas or social gatherings when possible, and stand at least 6 feet away from others
- Wear face masks/coverings in public, including when taking public/private transportation - Wash hands frequently and for at least 20 seconds - Cover your mouth with your elbow or tissue if coughing or sneezing - Use hand sanitizer when washing hands is inconvenient - If sick, stay home. If you have COVID-19 symptoms, or feel unwell, please contact your doctor or an urgent care center
- In NY: Call the Hotline 1-888-364-3065, or visit for all questions, including questions on healthcare
- In NJ: For healthcare related questions and information, such as symptoms, when to seek medical attention and proper steps to take if exposed to COVID-19, call the NJ Poison Control Center at 1-800-962-1253.
We hope that all students can remain safe and healthy during this time.