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F-1 Visa to Study or B-1 Visa to Travel

Students with F-1 Visa are able enter the United States no longer 30 days before the start date of their program.

In case you want to enter the US earlier than 30 days before your school start date, you must obtain B-1 Visa (tourist visa). (But be noticed that B-1 Visa is not for studying but for traveling, so to study in the US as a foreigner lawfully, you should anyway apply for F-1 Visa.)

After you are admitted to the United States by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials as a tourist, you must separately apply to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for a change of status to F-1.

Bluedata has helped many of this type of students in a past decade.

If you are planning to travel for more than 30 days with B-1 Visa before the program starts, and then start studying as F-1 student, contact our office and talk with our experienced international student counselor at / 212-683-6250.

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