Reading for Pleasure
Reading for Pleasure (Level 1) 180 Hours
Prerequisites: Passing ESL Level 6 or M-EPT Raw Score 71+ and placement test raw 5-12
Reading for Pleasure (Level 1) is a course driven by content-based material and designed for international students to read literature, such as short stories, excerpts, and quotes, while improving their English language writing and conversational skills using new reading strategies. This course is based on reading short stories with comprehension, sharing personal thoughts, writing short written responses and collaborating on authentic projects. The ultimate goal of the course is to give students the necessary tools to reflect upon and appreciate literature, thus facilitating the student’s reading for pleasure.
Reading for Pleasure (Level 2) 180 Hours
Prerequisites: Reading for Pleasure Level 1 or placement test raw 13-20 (level 2)
Reading for Pleasure Level Two is a course driven by content-based material and designed for international students to read literature, such as lengthier short stories, literature advocating for various rights, and political views, while improving their English language writing and conversational skills using more complex reading strategies. This course is based on reading challenging stories with comprehension, speaking out on controversial topics, writing detailed viewpoints and collaborating on project-based learning tasks. The ultimate goal of the course is to give students the necessary tools to connect with and have a deeper appreciation of literature, thus facilitating the student’s reading for pleasure.
For tuition and placement information, please contact us at (212) 683-6250